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Cortland IGFA Clear Leader Material
Cortland IGFA Clear Leader Material
Cortland IGFA Clear Leader Material
Not every angler is looking to set a world record, but for those who are enter Cortland’s IGFA Leader Material. IGFA Leader Material is designed to have the perfect blend of stiffness and diameter in relation to its break strength. This new material is formulated to fall within the IGFA specs in each class size while maintaining all the necessary performance characteristics needed.

Item# Item Name Our Price Qty Add
608481 Cortland IGFA Clear Leader Material - 30yds. 4lb.
608498 Cortland IGFA Clear Leader Material - 30yds. 6lb.
608504 Cortland IGFA Clear Leader Material - 30yds. 8lb.
608528 Cortland IGFA Clear Leader Material - 30yds. 12lb.
608535 Cortland IGFA Clear Leader Material - 30yds. 16lb.
608542 Cortland IGFA Clear Leader Material - 30yds. 20lb.
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